Two Ways to Stop an IRS Wage Garnishment

If you ever receive a notice from the IRS saying your wages will be garnished, take note that there is no limit to the amount of they can deduct from your paycheck. In fact, apart from your tax exemptions, they can take it all.

So how much will the IRS take away, and how much will you be able to keep? Take a look at the exemptions on your W-4 form—this will state the monetary amount that the IRS can’t take from you. Your filing status and how often you receive your wages are two other factors that contribute to how much you can still take home.

There are several ways to stop an IRS wage garnishment, one of which is to enter into tax debt settlement agreement such as an Offer for Settlement. Before you can enter into such an agreement though, you’re going to need an experienced tax lawyer by your side who will evaluate your tax situation, deal with the IRS, and guide you through the proceedings toward a successful resolution.

Your tax attorney can also have the garnishment halted if your employer or the people handling your debt failed to comply with even a single tiny wage garnishment procedure. Although this is not as permanent a solution as an Offer for Settlement, it can buy you some time as you put your finances in order.

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